This section is divided into:
We are always open to suggestions as long as they contribute to the usefulness
of the site and are easy to implement. Email,
telephone (613) 736-0787, fax 737-5868.
How to Use the Site
- To enter a main site section, from the horizontal menu across the top, click on an option.
- Once inside a main topic of interest (main site section), to go to a specific subtopic, in the banner at the left, click on an option.
- On complex pages, to jump to a subtopic on the page, from the submenu at the top of the page, click on any item
to jump down the page to that item.
- To return to the Home page, on any page in the site, from the bottom bar at the right, click on Home.
- After having scrolled down a long page, to jump to the top of a page, click on the nearest /\.
- If your text is too large and it is inconvenient to scroll up/down, you can shrink the text by going into your browser options,
and reducing the display font size.
How This Site Is Organized, and Why
This site is designed so that the:
- top frame of each page contains the Hunt Club title in the center, and, on the top left and right corners, an indicator of which main section you are viewing.
- main menu just below the title contains links to what we consider as major interest areas.
- Home page is organized like a typical newspaper. The information is presented in columns. The key items of interest (weather, next HCCO meeting, etc.) are located in the top left, with current news on the right. The "newspaper" gives a brief synposis of the key events for each main section of the site, each headed by a banner. Clicking on Details (or equivalent) in the banner for each main section opens the overview page for that section - where you can select more detail about both the highlights and topics relevant to that section.
- frame on the left: 1) on the Home page, contains a list of newspaper sections that each jump you to the corresponding section of the "newspaper"; 2) once you have opened a main menu item, the frame at left changes to list the subsections within that main site section.
- long pages: If the text in the text window is extensive, a list of topics may appear
across the top of the text window. Or, a brief introduction may summarize the topics on the page.
Contrary to best practices, we are not hiding the intended future structure (information hierarchy and page titles and sequences) of the site. The site, therefore, has a number of titled but content-empty pages. This is so that any person interested in contributing information into the site can figure out where that information will appear. The contributor can therefore judge where they wish their information to be put and can potentially code an HTML page that will require less editing on the part of the site webmaster.